Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Service Brooklyn, NY
Looking for fire extinguisher inspection and service in Brooklyn, NY? Champion Fire Extinguisher Inspection And Service Co. is your one of the most reliable fire extinguisher inspection companies in Brooklyn, NY.
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Professional Fire Extinguisher Inspection And Services
We have been in this line of work for more than 20 years and have built a reputation for being the best. We are a certified fire extinguisher inspection company. Our inspectors are trained to look into every detail of fire prevention measures.
Our team makes sure your building follows all the OSHA and NFPA fire protection guidelines. Fire protection code violations are hard to remove. They can affect your insurance reimbursements in case of an accident. That is why we ensure you get professional fire inspection and service from the best. We have helped all kinds of commercial facilities such as restaurants, schools, warehouses, production units, etc with fire extinguisher inspection. If you are looking for one, give us a call.
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Why Are Fire Extinguishers Important?
Fire extinguishers can save you from major property damage and most importantly save lives. All commercial properties are bound to have fire extinguishers and effective fire protection systems installed for the safety of the inhabitants of their commercial building. Most residential properties are also installing fire protection systems in their house. They can be the difference between life and death when it comes to a crucial moment. Whether it is the fire extinguisher cylinder or the sprinkler system, or any other fire extinguisher system, keeping them up to date and in working condition is important. It is not everyday that you will have a fire breakout, but the rare occasion it will have you need to keep yourself prepared for it.
What We Do In An Inspection
We Check The placement Of The Fire Extinguisher –Where the fire extinguisher is important for easy access. During fire breakout, between the chaos it should be easy for anyone to locate the fire extinguisher and operate it. We will see if the fire extinguisher is placed on every floor of the building and within 15 metres of radius. There should be emergency lights that glow up to show the way in smoke and power outage.
The Fire Extinguisher Should Be In A Operable Condition – Our inspectors will check if the fire extinguisher is in the right condition. Any bumps, or cracks on the surface indicate that the fire extinguisher has been compromised. We have the tools and the knowledge to check the seal, the pin and pressure gauge. We will know if the fire extinguisher will work when it is needed by external examination. If we notice physical damage to the fire extinguisher we will replace it with a new fire extinguisher.
The Writing On The Cylinder Should Be Legible – The date of the ;ast inspection, the inspection of how to operate the extinguisher and the type of extinguisher should be clearly written and readable.
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Get In Touch!
Champion Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Service Co. makes sure your fire extinguishers are in working condition and operate right when the time comes. We have the training and the equipment to test your fire extinguisher and check their efficiency. Routine inspection is not only important to regulate fire protection codes, they will save you from fires. If you want a reliable fire extinguisher inspection company in Brooklyn, Let us know.
(631) 250-8572
(929) 209-9261
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