Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Service Bronx, NY
Champion Fire Extinguisher Inspection And Service Co provides complete fire extinguisher inspection and service in Bronx, NY. We have been providing inspection services for fire extinguishers of all kinds for years now.
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Professional Fire Extinguisher Inspection And Services
We mainly work for commercial buildings and public properties, but we can also provide inspection for residential fire extinguisher inspection. Routine fire extinguisher inspection is the key for a working fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers are hardly ever used. Most of them are used once in their life. Rechargeable fire extinguishers can be recharged but even then they are not used as often. That is why taking care of fire extinguishers by providing them proper inspection is the key to a working fire extinguisher.
We have helped thousands of properties in Bronx, NY to follow fire protection and building codes. If you have faced a code violation with our inspection and service you can reverse it. We are a licensed and certified, fire extinguisher service company. We will give you needed paperwork providing proof for fire extinguisher status.
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Why Are Fire Extinguishers Important?
Fire is the main cause of death of millions of people all over the world. It is the kind of emergency that you want to avoid at all costs. It is best to have a working fire extinguisher in your property to avoid such emergencies. There are different types of fire extinguishers for different types of fires. For example, in a commercial kitchen where cooking oil fire is one of the main concerns, chemical extinguishers for Class F fires should be used. For a warehouse that stores stuff in cartons, a water extinguisher or mist extinguisher is enough to put off fire on paper. Similarly electric fires can be extinguished from CO2 extinguishers and having the right extinguisher is the key to avoiding dangers. We can help you choose the right fire extinguisher for your building and avoid fire damage.
How We Inspect Your Fire Extinguishers
- The first step is visually inspecting your fire extinguisher for physical damage. Dents, corrosion, cracks, holes, disformed fire extinguishers are all signs of a damaged fire extinguisher that should be immediately replaced.
- Our inspector will check if the seal of the cylinder is in place, the pressure gauge is showing the right reading.
- The inspections and the details such as type of fire extinguisher are all legible and can be read by anyone during an emergency.
- They will weigh the fire extinguisher, check the specifics of the previous inspection details written on the fire extinguisher and record their reading on the extinguisher again.
- They will ensure the fire extinguisher is easy to remove from the wall mounting
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Get In Touch!
Champion Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Service Co. is a reputable organisation that inspects, tags, and removes code violations from fire extinguishers. Our clients benefit from end-to-end fire extinguisher solutions. We are also certified and licenced to test fire extinguishers. We will properly install, recharge, and inspect on a regular basis to ensure that they do not fail you when a fire breaks out or an ambulance knocks at your door.
(631) 250-8572
(929) 209-9261
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